TestNG Tutorial #3 – TestNG Annotations | BeforeMethod vs BeforeTest

In this TestNG tutorial we will learn about TestNG Annotations, BeforeMethod vs BeforeTest and AfterMethod vs AfterTest.

We will understand with example how to use TestNG annotations @BeforeTest, @AfterTest, @BeforeMethod @AfterMethod in your test scripts.

✅ @BeforeTest: The method annotated with @BeforeTest annotation will be executed before any test method belonging to the classes inside the “test” tag is run.

✅ @AfterTest: The method annotated with @AfterTest annotation will be executed after all the test methods belonging to the classes inside the “test” tag have run.

✅ @BeforeMethod: The method annotated with @BeforeMethod annotation will be executed before each test method.

✅ @AfterMethod: The method annotated with @AfterMethod annotation will be executed after each test method.