Smoke Testing

Smoke Testing in Software Engineering

Smoke testing is done for the software in order to verify that the software is stable enough for further testing. it has a collection of written tests that are performed on the software prior to being accepted for further testing. Smoke testing “touches” all areas of the application without getting too deep, tester looks for answers to basic questions like, “Does the application window opens”, “Can tester launch the software?” etc.

The purpose is to determine whether the application is stable enough so that a more detailed testing can be performed. The test cases can be performed manually or by using an automated tool.

A subset of planned test cases is decided which covers the main functionality of the software, but does not bother with finer software component details. A daily build and smoke test is among industry best practices. Smoke testing is done by testers before accepting a build for further testing.

In software engineering, a smoke test generally consists of a collection of tests that can be applied to a newly created or repaired computer program. Sometimes the tests are performed by the automated system that builds the final software. In this sense a smoke test is the process of validating code changes before the changes are checked into the larger production official source code collection or the main branch of source code.