Test Plan vs Test Strategy

Test plans and test strategies are two distinct documents in software testing, each serving a different purpose in the testing process.

Test Strategy:

  1. Purpose: A test strategy is an upper-level document that outlines the overall approach to testing for an entire project. It provides a strategic view of how testing will be conducted.
  2. Scope: It covers the entire testing effort for the project, addressing aspects like test levels, test types, and overall goals.
  3. Level of Detail: Test strategies are typically less detailed than test plans. They provide a broad overview of the testing approach, methodology, and resources.
  4. Contents: A test strategy includes scope, objectives, test levels, test approach, test environment, roles and responsibilities, risk assessment, exit criteria, test deliverables, change control, and approvals.
  5. Timing: The test strategy is usually created early in the project, often during the project’s planning phase, and may be refined as the project growth.
  6. Audience: It is primarily aimed at project stakeholders, including project managers and high-level decision-makers, to ensure alignment with project goals.

Test Plan:

  1. Purpose: A test plan is a detailed document that provides a specific, actionable plan for a particular phase or level of testing within a project.
  2. Scope: It focuses on the testing activities for a specific level or phase of the project, such as system or user acceptance testing (UAT).
  3. Level of Detail: Test plans are highly detailed and include specific information about test cases, test data, schedules, and resources.
  4. Contents: A test plan includes components like test objectives, scope, features to be tested, features not to be tested, test deliverables, test environment setup, test case descriptions, test schedules, resource requirements, and risk analysis for that specific testing phase.
  5. Timing: Test plans are created as the project progresses, typically before the start of each testing phase. Multiple test plans may be designed for different levels of testing.
  6. Audience: Test plans are primarily intended for the testing team and are used as a reference and guide for executing testing activities.
In summary, a test strategy is a high-level document that outlines the overall approach and guidelines for testing across the entire project. In contrast, a test plan is a detailed document that provides specific instructions and details for a particular testing phase or level. Both documents are crucial for effective software testing, as the test strategy sets the overarching direction, and the test plan provides the detailed execution plan for each testing phase.

Watch Video Tutorial below on test plan Vs Test Strategy