What is Non Functional Testing

What is Non Functional Testing

Non-Functional Testing

Non-functional Testing is a type of Software Testing performed to verify the non-functional requirements of the application. It demonstrates whether or not the system’s behavior is as per the requirement. It tests all the aspects that are not tested in functional testing. Non-functional testing is a software testing technique that checks the non-functional attributes of the system.It is designed to test the readiness of a system as per nonfunctional parameters, which are never addressed by functional testing. Non-functional testing is as necessary as functional testing.

Performance Testing:

Performance Testing evaluates the software’s speed, responsiveness, and scalability performance. Common types of performance testing include:

  • Load Testing: Testing the application’s performance under expected load conditions.
  • Stress Testing: Testing the application’s performance beyond its expected load to identify its breaking point.
  • Volume Testing: Assessing how the software handles large volumes of data.
  • Scalability Testing: Evaluating the software’s ability to scale up or down to handle varying loads.

Reliability Testing:

Reliability Testing is a testing technique that relates to testing the ability of software to function and given environmental conditions that help uncover issues in the software design and functionality. Software testing is defined as the process that determines whether the software can perform an operation without any failures for a specific period in a certain environment. It involves:
  • Availability Testing: Ensuring that the application is available and accessible when needed.
  • Resilience Testing: Testing the software’s ability to recover from failures gracefully.

Security Testing:

Security testing is a process intended to detect flaws in the security mechanisms of an information system and, as such, help enable it to protect data and maintain functionality as intended. It includes:
  • Vulnerability Assessment: Identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities.
  • Penetration Testing: Simulating real-world attacks to find vulnerabilities.
  • Authentication and Authorization Testing: Verifying that access control mechanisms work correctly.

Usability Testing:

Usability testing evaluates the software’s user-friendliness and the overall user experience. It helps ensure the application is easy to use and meets user expectations regarding design, navigation, and accessibility. Compatibility Testing: Testing ensures the software works correctly on various platforms, browsers, devices, and network environments. It helps identify compatibility issues and provides a consistent user experience across different configurations.

Scalability Testing:

Scalability testing evaluates the competence of the software to manage an amplified load and user concurrency while it maintains satisfactory performance. This type of testing is crucial for applications that anticipate growth over time.

Load Balancing Testing:

For applications that use load balancers, load balancing testing checks the effectiveness of the load balancing mechanism in distributing incoming traffic to different servers.

Recovery Testing:

Recovery testing evaluates how well the software can recover from system failures, crashes, or data corruption. It verifies the effectiveness of backup and recovery mechanisms.

Compliance Testing:

Testing ensures the software meets industry-specific standards, regulations, and legal requirements. This is especially important for software in regulated industries like healthcare and finance.

Efficiency Testing:

Efficiency testing tests the resources a program requires to perform a specific function. In software companies, this term shows the effort to develop the application and quantify user satisfaction.
Non-functional testing helps assess the overall quality of a software application and ensures that it meets the performance, security, and usability requirements expected by users. It is an essential part of the software testing process and complements functional testing to comprehensively evaluate the software’s capabilities.

Watch Video Tutorial below on Non-Functional testing